The Role of Guardrails and Safety Nets in Fall Prevention

The Role of Guardrails and Safety Nets in Fall Prevention

At Safeline-FP, preventing an incident and ensuring worker safety with measures like fall protection netting systems are paramount. Falls are one of the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in the construction industry; according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, falls account for over 40 percent of all construction industry fatalities. These deaths could have easily been preventable with fall protection equipment like our guardrails and safety nets. From the experts at Safeline-FP, we’re breaking down the role of guardrails and safety netting for fall protection onsite.

A Brief History of Fall Protection Equipment

Construction site falls have been a major concern for decades. In the late 19th and early 20th century, construction deaths skyrocketed as skyscrapers cropped up in cities across the northeast. However, it wasn’t until the 1990s that fall protection regulations were established in the United States. Since then, there have been significant developments in the field of fall protection, including the introduction of fall protection netting systems, guardrails, and other safety measures. While progress has been made, falls due to the lack of safety measures taken continue to be a leading cause of injury and death in the industry. These injuries and deaths can easily be prevented with the use of quality, secured, guardrails and safety nets.


Guardrails are a type of passive fall protection system that creates a barrier between the worker and the edge of the work surface. Typically made of steel or aluminum, these rails are designed to withstand the force of a falling worker. Like fall protection netting systems, guardrails are an effective means of preventing falls as they provide a physical barrier that prevents workers from accidentally stepping off the edge of a platform or roof. Guardrails are a breeze to install and require minimal maintenance, making them a quick and easy safety solution.

At Safeline-FP, our handrails work double time, functioning as both guardrails and handrails to assist and protect employees along their route. Each one of our Series-24 handrails is engineered to provide maximum protection against falls, is in compliance with OSHA, and can be assembled with just a portable impact wrench. These rails can adjust to fit concrete slabs from four to 25 inches and include a toe board plate, screw drive adjustment, and a backup safety function to ensure complete system integrity.

Safety Nets

Safety nets are another type of passive fall protection system commonly used in the construction industry. Usually made of nylon or polyester, safety netting for fall protection is designed to catch a falling worker or falling debris. Designed to absorb the force of the worker or item, safety nets are installed below the work surface and are thereby minimizing the risk of injury, death, or damage. Safety nets are a great means of fall protection for workers who are working at heights where guardrails are not feasible.

Safeline-FP offers two different types of fall protection netting systems, personnel safety netting, and debris netting for construction. While our personnel safety netting can be used as debris netting, our debris netting can meet ANSI A10.37 and is made specifically for falling debris. Both nets are made of high-strength materials and are engineered to provide maximum protection against falls. With our patent pending bracket design, installation, and jumping the system is simple. Each safety netting system is also fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the netting to your specific project.

Safeline-FP | Fall Protection Netting Systems

Guardrails and safety nets are critical components of fall protection systems in the construction industry and are both effective means of preventing falls and ensuring worker safety. At Safeline-FP, we understand the importance of site safety. With over 30 years in the construction safety business, you can rest assured our products have been tried, tested, and perfected. Whether you’re looking for guardrails, fall protection netting systems, or hardware accessories, we’ve got you covered. To learn more about our company or browse our full selection, visit our website today.